I was informed about this exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts by a work colleague. I had never heard of Hélène Binet before; so this was voyage of discovery for me. In short, when I grow up (as a photographer) and yes I’m being sarcastic and truthful at the same time, I want to be able to take architectural photographs like Hélène. The composition, contrast, simplicity and awesomeness of her work really gave me food for thought.

Most of the work exhibited was in black and white, which allowed for light, shadow and contrast to work its magic. Ms Binet worked with a number of renowned architects e.g. Zaha Hadid and took pictures of their projects. My only criticism of the exhibition was that it was too short – I wanted to see much more (and maybe that’s a good thing in retrospect). Of course I bought the exhibition book (still working my way through it), but if you get a chance to see her work somewhere else, definitely go see it. It gave me some ideas on how to approach my own photography… as you may know I do like to take pictures of buildings, in particular thinking more about light and contrast when composing, if only to engage with how it would look in black and white. Anyway, a few pictures below and all pictures are ©Hélène Binet